Essential tips for efficiently storing seasonal decorations

Essential tips for efficiently storing seasonal decorations

Storing seasonal decorations safely is more than just keeping your home tidy; it’s about preserving the joy and memories each festivity brings. Whether it’s delicate Christmas ornaments, spooky Halloween props, or vibrant Easter decor, knowing how to store these items properly can prevent damage and make decorating easier each season. In this guide, we’ll share some essential tips for efficiently storing seasonal decorations. These top tips will help you pack away your seasonal decorations so they’re just as wonderful when unboxed next year.

1. Sorting and categorising your decorations

Before you start packing anything away, sorting and categorising your seasonal decorations is crucial. This step not only simplifies the process but also helps in locating and organising them next season. Here’s how we suggest you tackle this:

  • Group similar items together: Keep all like-minded decorations such as lights, baubles, and wreaths grouped together. It helps in knowing exactly where everything is when it’s time to decorate again.
  • Evaluate and purge: As you sort, check for any damaged items. It’s better to dispose of or fix decorations that are no longer in good shape rather than storing them again. This not only saves space but also keeps your storage more organised and useful.
  • Label everything: Once sorted, label each box clearly with the type of decorations inside. If you’re using plastic containers, consider using a label maker for durability and clarity. This is a step we always recommend because it pays off hugely when the time comes to deck the halls again!

Taking the time to sort and categorise your items thoughtfully can significantly enhance your storage efficiency and reduce the hassle when it’s time to decorate in the future.

2. Packing techniques for delicate and durable decorations

Different types of decorations require different packing strategies. While some can be neatly stacked, others need special care to avoid breakage or tangling.

  • Delicate items: For brittle decorations such as glass ornaments or fine ceramic figures, use soft packing materials like bubble wrap or tissue paper for each item. Place them in sturdy, compartmentalised boxes designed for delicate items. This extra layer of protection ensures your special pieces withstand the storage period without damage.
  • Lights and garlands: To avoid the dreaded tangle, reel your strings of lights around a piece of cardboard. It keeps them neat and makes unravelling a breese next season. Secure the ends with tape to ensure they stay put.
  • Larger items: For bigger decorations like artificial trees or large outdoor displays, disassemble them if possible before storing. Use their original boxes if you still have them, as they often provide the ideal size and protection for safe storage.

Employing these tailored packing techniques, you can rest assured that every piece of your seasonal decor is stored securely, reducing wear and tear and extending the life of these cherished items.

3. Using the right storage containers

Selecting the appropriate containers is key to effectively store your seasonal decorations. Not all storage bins are created equal, and picking the right one can mean the difference between damaged decorations and ones that last for years. Here’s what we recommend:

  • Climate and material-appropriate containers: If your storage area experiences extreme temperatures or humidity, consider using climate-controlled or airtight containers to protect sensitive decorations from environmental damage.
  • Clear plastic bins: These are excellent for seeing what’s inside without needing to open the lid. This transparency saves time and hassle when you’re looking for specific items during the next festive season.
  • Cardboard boxes: For less delicate items and where budget is a concern, sturdy cardboard boxes can do the job. Just be sure they are clean and dry to prevent any potential damage from mildew or pests.

Investing in the right storage containers not only keeps your decorations safe but also makes the process of setting up and packing down your decor much quicker and more efficient.

4. Ideal storage locations

Where you store your seasonal decorations is as important as how you store them. You need a place that’s out of the way but still accessible enough for easy unpacking when needed. Consider these tips:

  • Dry and dark: Choose a storage area that is dry and not prone to major temperature swings. Basements and attics can work if they are climate-controlled; otherwise, they might pose risks of moisture damage or heat deterioration.
  • Accessibility: While it might be tempting to push them into the farthest corner of the garage, keep accessibility in mind. You’ll thank yourself later for choosing a spot that’s easy to reach.
  • Off the floor: Whatever your storage location, try to keep boxes off the floor to protect them from any flooding or spills. Shelving units can be a great solution to keep everything organised and elevated.

Picking an ideal storage location helps in maintaining the quality of your decorations and makes the process of fetching them less of a chore when the festive season rolls around again.

5. Regular checks and maintenance

Even when packed away, it’s a good idea to periodically check on your stored decorations. Here’s how regular maintenance can help:

  • Inspect for damage or pests: Every once in a while, especially before and after the festive season, give your storage containers an inspection to ensure there are no signs of pest infestation or water damage.
  • Tidy up: As you retrieve and replace items each season, take the opportunity to tidy up the storage area. This might mean reorganising boxes, dusting shelves, or even repacking items that seem to be out of order.
  • Item rotation: If you haven’t used certain decorations for several seasons, consider rotating them to more accessible spots or even donating them if you think you won’t use them again. This helps in managing your space and keeping your collection fresh.

Regular checks and maintenance not only extend the life of your decorations but also keep your storage area organised and functional.

6. Maximising space

When it comes to storing decorations, every inch of space counts, especially if you’re limited in storage areas. Here are some innovative ideas to maximise your storage efficiency:

  • Vertical storage: Utilise vertical space by installing shelves or hanging systems in your storage areas. Vertical storage can significantly increase the amount of usable space and make it easier to organise and find your decorations.
  • Underutilised spaces: Think about underused areas in your home, such as under beds, high shelves in closets, or even space above kitchen cabinets. These areas can be perfect for storing smaller or rarely used items.
  • Partitioned drawers: For small ornaments and miscellaneous decorations, use partitioned drawers. These keep delicate items separate and prevent them from becoming tangled or damaged.

By thinking creatively about the space you have available, you can store your seasonal decorations in a way that is both space-efficient and preserves the quality of the items.

7. The role of inventory management

Keeping an inventory of your stored items can save a lot of time and trouble when it comes to setting up for the festive season. Here’s how to manage your decorations inventory effectively:

  • Creating a list: Make a detailed list of all the decorations you have, categorising them by season or event. This list can be maintained in a digital format for easy access and updates.
  • Photos and labels: Take photos of your items before storing them, and attach images to your inventory list for easy identification. Additionally, label your storage containers with a summary of contents and reference numbers that link back to your inventory list.
  • Regular updates: Whenever you add or remove decorations from your storage, update the inventory accordingly. This ongoing process ensures that your list always reflects what you actually have.

Proper inventory management not only makes it easier to find what you need when you need it but also helps in maintaining the condition of your decorations.

8. Smart tips for handling large and awkward items

Large decorations such as artificial trees, oversized wreaths, or large figurines can be particularly challenging to store. Here are some tactics for handling these bulky items:

  • Disassembly: Where possible, disassemble large decorations. Store components neatly in marked containers, and keep assembly instructions with the stored items for easy reassembly.
  • Protective covers: Use specially designed bags or protective covers for items such as Christmas trees or large outdoor figures. These covers protect against dust, moisture, and pests.

Handling large and awkward items carefully not only extends their lifespan but also helps prevent damage to other stored decorations.

9. Integrating security measures for valuable decorations

For those seasonal decorations that hold significant monetary or sentimental value, integrating security measures into your storage plan is crucial. Protecting these treasures ensures they can be enjoyed year after year without worry.

  • Secure locker facilities: For extremely valuable pieces, consider using a secure locker within a storage facility that offers enhanced security features like 24-hour surveillance, alarms, and controlled access.
  • Insurance cover: Check if your home insurance extends to items stored away from your property. If not, look into taking out a separate policy that covers your most treasured decorations while in storage.

These steps not only safeguard your precious decorations from physical damage but also provide peace of mind.


Effective storage of your seasonal decorations preserves the condition, accessibility, and enjoyment of your festive treasures. Each step contributes to a more organised and joyful festive season. Remember, the way you store your decorations today sets the tone for your celebrations tomorrow.

Do you have heaps of seasonal decorations waiting to be packed away? Bigfoot Self Storage can help you to declutter and reclaim your space with secure storage solutions. Contact us today for personalised advice and to get a quote for the right storage solution.

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